SJK(Tamil)L.Hopeful ( Thesiya Vagai Hopeful Tamilpalli )Berjuntai Bestari

About our school
School details
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Meet Our Staff
Warga sekolah / PIBG
Majlis Guru Besar Sekolah Tamil KS

S Manohar Chairman District Headmasters Counncil
The Kuala Selangor Distict Tamil School Headmasters Council

Welcome to sjkt hopeful web site!
Majlis Guru Besar Sekolah Tamil Daerah Kuala Selangor.
Majlis Dirasmikan oleh Penyelia Sekolah Tamil Selangor Tuan R Vallikkannan pada 26.3.08.
Guru Besar SJKT Hopeful S Manohar terpilih sebagai Pengerusi bagi tahun 2008/9.
-senarai penuh akan disiarkan.
Selamat Tahun Baru 2008
Our new school term started with new uniforms for all students.
Thanks to our wellwisher Mr Ramesh Kumar , Vice President of a prominant company.
Another wellwisher Mr Nathan a prominant social activist and a corporate chairman of a company from Klang donated note books and school bags for all students.
Our school introduced blazer for all students effective Jan 1 2008. -a first in Selangor.
Feb 27 ' 2008 Deputy Education Minister Dato Noh Omar visited and officiated RIMUP programme at our school. 6 schools participated.
Photos to be up loaded soon.
March 9 to March 21 Headmaster S Manohar has been selected for the leadership and Management Course at IAB Genting.
Feb 18 - Our seniour assistant Sugunadevi has been selected for a 3 month course for counselling at Ipoh.
2 new teachers has been posted to our school- Miss Kamaleswary and Mrs Senbagavalli.
Once again Mr Ramesh Kumar together with Mr Roy
donated school chairs,carpets, tiles,cabinets,paints etc worth RM2 000.
The school wish to express gratitude to Mr Ramesh kumar. The students and teachers were surprised by their visit to our school on April 4.
Photos soon.
Our PTA ( PIBG ) AGM was held on 31 March- All parents and teachers were present. List of office bearers will be out soon.
Dr Rajagopal - a former student of this school was kind enough to remember and visited quietly to our school with his son.He was touched by the development of the school he once studied.
-kindly see his comments at guest book.
Merentas Desa P.daerah - Murid sekolah S.Devaraj mencatat 25.44minit -tempat 12 dalam daerah.
Hopeful akan bertanding dalam bolasepak p.negeri selangor di sjkt Sg.Buluh.
 Program-program akan datang..
1.Mesyuarat Agung PIBG
2.Kem Motivasi
3.Kearah sekolah Hopeful sekolah Bestari.
4.Lawatan Ke Kampus UNISEL
Feb'9-Four members of the Malaysian Tamil Foundation made a surprise visit to the school.They were briefed on the educational development of the school.The school agreed to participate in the upcoming science exibition..
Feb'7 Two British English language Advisors visited our school to find out the standard of English Language in a Tamil school.They were Mrs Jean Pontefract and Mr David Attenborough.
They were surprised and impressed with the school and the students.-comments and photos see Eanglish L.Panel. 

22nd Jan 07-Banjir kilat mengakibatkan terputusnya jalan-jalan utama ke UNISEL dan sekolah hopeful.Namun demikian guru-guru tetap sampai ke sekolah demi kepentingan murid-murid.

2. Merentas Desa peringkat sekolah akan diadakan pada 26-01-07.

3.Gotong Royong sekolah akan diadakan pada 25-01-07

SJKT Hopeful is a small National Type Tamil school located 25 km away from Kuala Selangor and 2km from UNISEL campus.
The school was built on a highland in the year
1926 by the British Colonial government.

webulagam Tamil website

Tamil Inayam

Guru Besar:  Manohar K S Pandian

P Kanan     :  Suguna Devi Murugan

P K Hem    :  Susila Gopal

PK Ko-ku   :   Satyabama Ravindran

UPSR        :   Kamaleswary

Pusat sumber : Senbagavalli

Keselamatan : Murugan / Gopal

Alam sekitar : Letchumanan / Dhanam

Pengerusi PIBG : R Baskaran

Bekas murid : Dr Rajagopal Pensyarah Kanan



SJK Tamil
Ladang Hopeful 
45600-Batang Berjuntai
Kuala Selangor Malaysia 

Phone: 01223 67899 

Fax: (03) 33733 271

Sekolah kami mencatat sejarah dengan pencapaian UPSR lulus 100% dalam negeri Selangor pada tahun 2006.
Ketua Unit Sekolah Rendah JPNS bersama Guru Besar S Manohar dan pelajar UPSR Ismail b Bakthiar dalam satu majlis.
Pada tahun 2007 murid-murid pemulihan dari tahun 6 juga lulus 5 matapelajaran.
Gambar : Vice President of a prominant company Ramesh Kumar presenting cheque to buy chairs,cabinets,carpets ,tiles etc.


Please get in touch to offer comments and join our mailing list.


webmaster :k smanohar (Headmaster)
Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Tamil  Hopeful
45600-Kuala Selangor. TEl: 01223 67899
Fax : 03-33733 271