SJK(Tamil)L.Hopeful ( Thesiya Vagai Hopeful Tamilpalli )Berjuntai Bestari

Majlis Guru Besar Sekolah Tamil KS

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Majlis Guru Besar Sekolah Tamil KS


malaysia newspapers

Penyelia Sekolah Tamil Tuan R Vallikkannan
Pengerusi Majlis Guru Besar Yang Baru Dipilih S Manohar bersama PST R Vallikkannan.

Activities for the year 2008
-newspaper in education
-chorel reading
-story telling

Visit by British ELC (educationalist)
Mrs Jean Pontefract and Mr David Attenborough.
Our school is proud to announce the visit by the above counselors  on Feb'7 2007. This was their first Tamil school visited in Malaysia.
Both of them were impressed to see the progressof the school and the  students.
More details and photos coming up soon.....

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webmaster :k smanohar (Headmaster)
Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Tamil  Hopeful
45600-Kuala Selangor. TEl: 01223 67899
Fax : 03-33733 271